
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Matilda and her best friend at childcare, Samuel performing a cute little rabbit theaterplay with the rest of the kids at a parentnight 25/4-08..

Matilda waiting patiently for the end of the show..

A nice sunday (20/4-08) in the local park/playground, next 5 pictures...
Bastian playing with his "Diablo" throwing it high in the air to catch it afterwards! His friend, Aksel in the background..

Matilda climbing a "climbing tower" at playground

Trine enjoying the weather and watching the kids..

Bastian, The football (soccer) King!

Nice style..

Matilda at the swings. The higher the better!

Pictures from Steve & Trine's mini trip to Florence, Italy 17-19 of April '08
Cute little wine bar with lots of italian atmosphere!

More nice italian atmosphere

Sitting at a nice local restaurant

Steve on balcony at our hotel next to "Duomo" church

"Alvin" the kids new (first) pet - and it's a hamster!

Matilda at the yearly "Fastelavn"-party in february 08 dresssed as a giraf. She even made it to the frontpage of a magazine send out to thousands of flat renters..